Monday, July 8, 2013

Touch Screens

Touch screens have continued to increase in popularity since they were first introduced to the general public by Apple in the early 1990’s. The technology has progressed from using a stylus on a PDA to the up and coming computers that are driven by the Windows 8 software. In 2007, Apple introduced the nothing but touchscreen technology driven iPhone, which set the market on fire with the demand for touch screens. Riding on the success of the iPhone, Apple introduced the iPad in 2010 with the same “nothing but touchscreen” technology. For both the iPhone and iPad, the touch screen technology was the major reason for their success. Other manufacturers jumped on board and introduced their own version of the same technology.

What makes this technology so popular is the ease in which anyone can use the equipment. People from all walks of life, from the top executives to the man on the street, this technology has helped to make everyone an internet geek. Of particular interest has been the proliferation of schools that are using touch screen technology with iPads for enhancing the educational experience for elementary school students. iPads are made available for student as young as the third grade. In addition, many individuals with disabilities are also finding that touch screen technology is helping them to be a part of the technology generation. Those who found that using a keyboard was impossible due to various disabilities now find that using different equipment, from computers to smart phones, has helped to launch them into the world of the internet and opened a world of possibilities for their future.

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